List of Repertoire Performed and Recorded
John Adams, Shaker Loops (1978)
Leroy Anderson, The Typewriter (1954)
Johann Christian Bach, Symphony in B-flat major, W.B 17 (1774)
Johann Sebastian Bach/Moehlmann, Prelude and Fugue in B-flat Minor (1669)
Johann Sebastian Bach/Moehlmann, Prelude and Fugue in B-flat Major (c.1690)
Johann Sebastian Bach/Leist/Goldman, Fantasia in G major (1703-07)
Johann Sebastian Bach/Cailliet, Fervent is My Longing — "Little" Fugue in G Minor (c.1710)
Johann Sebastian Bach/Tovey/Halliday, Contrapunctus XIV from 'The Art of the Fugue' (1740-50)
P.D.Q. Bach/Schickele, Grand Serenade for an Awful lot of Winds and Percussion (1975)
Sammuel Barber, Essay for Orchestra, op. 12 (1938)
Andrew Batterham, The Four Immortals (2013)
Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony no. 3 (1804)
Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony no. 5 (1808)
Ludwig van Beethoven, Ceremonial March for Military Band, WoO 20 (1809)
Ludwig van Beethoven, Military March in D (1816)
Ludwig van Beethoven/Cooper, Symphony no. 10 (1824/1988)
Leonard Bernstein/Duthoit, Selections from 'West Side Story' (1957)
Leonard Bernstein/Lavender, Symphonic Dances from 'West Side Story' (1957)
Leonard Bernstein/Grundman, 'Candide' Suite (1956)
Leonard Bernstein/Grundman, Overture to 'Candide; (1956)
Robert Russell Bennett, Suite of Old American Dances (1949)
Robert Russell Bennett, Symphonic Songs for Band (1958)
Hector Berlioz, 'Roman Carnival' Overture (1843)
Jerry Bilik, Symphony for Band (1972)
Paul Blaser, The Ascension (1990)
Benjamin Britten, Russian Funeral (1936)
Gerald Brophy, From the Holy Mountain (2014)
Nigel Butterley, Pentad (1968)
Charles Carter, Overture for Winds (1959)
John Barnes Chance, Variations on a Korean Folk Song (1967)
Martin Cheney, Symphony for Wind Orchestra ‘Tangent’ (2021) (premiere recording)
Martin Cheney, Auguries of Innocence (2019) (world premiere)
Michael Colgrass, Arctic Dreams (1991)
Aaron Copland, An Outdoor Overture (1930)
Aaron Copland, Appalachian Spring (1944)
Aaron Copland, Variations on a Shaker Melody (1960)
Aaron Copland/Patterson, Down a Country Lane (1962)
Bernhard Crusell, Clarinet Concerto no. 1 (1812)
Michael Daugherty, Motown Metal (1994) (Australian Premiere)
Peter Maxwell Davies, Fanfare Salute to Dennis Brain (2007)
Claude Debussy, Marche Écossaise (1891)
Claude Debussy, L’apres midi d’un faune (1894)
Nicholas Denison, Stasis (2009)
Antonin Dvorak, Serenade in D major for strings (1875)
Antonin Dvorak, Serenade in D minor for winds (1878)
Antonin Dvorak, Symphony no. 8 (1889)
Ross Edwards, Dances of Life and Death (2017)
Frank Erickson, Toccata for Band (1957)
Einar Englund, Ciacona 'Homage to Sibelius' (1990)
Roshanne Etezady, Anahita (2005)
Gabrieli Fauré, Pavane (1887)
Connor Fogarty, Concerto for Oboe and Wind Orchestra (2022) (world premiere)
Connor Fogarty, Three Landscapes for Wind Orchestra (2019) (world premiere)
Julilus Fucik, Entry of the Gladiators (1901)
Giovanni Gabrieli, Canzon Septimi Toni à8’ from Sacrae Symphoniae (1597)
Giovanni Gabrieli, Sonata pian’ e forte (1597)
Giovanni Gabrieli, Canzon no. 28 (1608)
Gabrieli, ed. Jones, Canzon XIII à8 from Canzon et Sonate (1615)
Giovanni Gabrieli, Canzon no. 13 from Canzon et Sonate (1615)
George Gershwin Piano Concerto in F (1925)
Philip Glass, Prelude to 'Akhnaten' (1983)
Françios-Joseph Gossec, Military Symphony in F (1793)
Percy Grainger/Kreines, Mock Morris (1910)
Percy Grainger, Colonial Song (1912)
Percy Grainger, Irish Tune from County Derry (1918)
Percy Grainger, Shepherd’s Hey (1918)
Percy Grainger, Children’s March (1919)
Percy Grainger/Bainum, Australian Up-Country Tune (1930)
Percy Grainger/Jager, Blithe Bells (1931)
Percy Grainger, Lincolnshire Posy (1937)
Percy Grainger/Kreines, Harvest Hymn (1940)
Edvard Grieg/Fennell, Funeral March for Rikaard Nordrak (1866)
Edvard Grieg, Piano Concerto in A Minor (1868)
Friedrich Gulda, Concerto for Cello and Wind Orchestra (1989)
George Handel, Suite no. 2 from ‘Water Music’ (1717)
Reynaldo Hahn, Le Bal de Béatrice d’Este (1905)
Adolphus Hailstork, American Guernica (1982)
Philip Hall, Solomon’s Songs (2021)
Holly Harrison, Splinter (2018) (Australian premiere)
Joseph Haydn, Symphony no. 1 (1759)
Chris Hazell, Three Brass Cats (1990)
Ira Hearshen, After The Thunderer (1991)
Gustav Holst, First Suite in E-flat (1909)
Gustav Holst, Second Suite in F (1911)
Gustav Holst, The Planets (1917)
Alan Hovhaness, Symphony no. 4 (1958)
Charles Ives, Postlude in F (1890-92)
Charles Ives, Country Band March (1903)
Charles Ives/Elkus, The Alcotts (1920)
Gordon Jacobs, Music for a Festival (1951)
Jennifer Jolley, The Eyes of the World are Upon You (Australian premiere)
Albert Ketelbey/Takahashi, In a Chinese Temple Garden (1923)
Aram Khachaturian/ McAlister, Armenian Folk Song and Dance (1932)
Aram Khachaturian, Spartacus Suite No.2 (1955)
George Kleinsinger/Roach, Tubby the Tuba (1945)
Graeme Koehne, 'Between Two Worlds': Suite from the ballet 1914 (2014)
Jan Koetsier, Canon Ostinato (2000)
David John Lang, Elijah on Mount Carmel (2008) (World premiere)
David John Lang, On Further Reflection (2014) (World premiere)
David John Lang, Going on a Lion Hunt (2016) (World premiere)
David John Lang, Fanfare for a Warrior (2016) (premiere recording)
Ton de Leeuw, Symphonies of Winds (1963) (Australian premiere)
Nikolai Leske, Alma Mater Sempiterna (2020) (world premiere)
Lowell Liebermann, Flute Concerto (1992)
Lowell Liebermann/Kurokawa, Concerto for Piccolo and Wind Orchestra (1996)
Franz Liszt, Piano Concerto no. 1 (1849)
Paul Mac & Matthew Hindson, Requiem for a City (2015) (premiere recording)
John Mackey, Antique Violences: Concerto for Trumpet (2017) (Australian premiere)
Gustav Mahler, Symphony no. 1 (1888)
Richard Meale, Three Miro Pieces (2002)
Jared McCunnie, Entombed (2019) (World premiere)
Cindy McTee, Soundings (1995)
Kirsten Milenko, Symphony d’Aere (2017)
Darius Milhaud, La Creation du Monde (1923)
Jose Pablo Moncayo, Huapango (1950)
Stephen Montague, Intrada 1631 (2003)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Symphony no. 1, K. 16 (1764)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Serenade in E-flat, K. 375 (1781
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Symphony no. 29, K. 201 (1774)
Modest Mussorgsky, Night on Bald Mountain (1867)
James Naigus, Uncharted Wilds (2017)
Cait Nishimura, Chasing Sunlight (2016)
Jim Parker, A Londoner in New York (1987)
John Paulson, Epinicion (1975)
Vincent Persichetti, Divertimento for Band (1950)
Vincent Persichetti, Symphony for Band (1960)
Francis Poulenc, Organ Concerto (1938)
Sergei Prokofiev, Peter and the Wolf (1936)
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Concerto for Trombone and Military Band (1878)
Joaquín Rodrigo, Adagio para Orquesta de Instrumentos de Viento (1966) (Australian Premiere)
John Rutter, Gloria (1974)
Kathryn Salfelder, Prospect Hill (2016) (Australian premiere)
Camille Saint-Saëns, Bacchanale from Samson & Delilah (1877)
Camille Saint-Saëns/Goto, Carnival of the Animals (1886)
Aulius Sallinen, The Palace Rhapsody (1993-96) (Australian premiere)
Ole Schmidt, Hommage à Stravinsky (1985)
Franz Schubert/Newbould, Symphony no. 10 (1828/1992)
William Schuman, Chester (1957)
Peter Sculthorpe, Sun Song (1984)
Peter Sculthorpe, Burke and Wills Suite (1985)
Peter Sculthorpe, New Norcia (2000)
Emmanuel Séjourné, Concerto for Marimba and Strings (2005)
Dmitri Shostakovich/Reynolds, Folk Dances (1942)
Dmitri Shostakovich/Hunsberger, Festive Overture (1954)
Dmitri Shostakovich/Reynolds, Prelude, Op. 34 no. 14 (1933)
Jean Sibelius, Karelia Suite (1893)
Jean Sibelius, King Christian II Suite (1898)
Jean Sibelius, Symphony no. 2 (1901)
Jean Sibelius, Symphony no. 5 (1919)
John Philip Sousa, The Thunderer (1889)
John Philip Sousa, The Washington Post (1889)
John Philip Sousa, Liberty Bell (1893)
David Stanhope, The ‘Little Ripper’ March (1988)
David Stanhope, Folksongs for Band, Suite no. 3 (1991, rev. 2016)
David Stanhope, Promenade (2003)
Richard Strauss/Davies, Allerseelen (1885)
Igor Stravinsky, Mass (1948)
Igor Stravinsky, Symphonies of Wind Instruments (1947)
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck/Ricker, Variations on 'Mein Junges Leben Hat Ein End'
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Selections from Swan Lake (1876)
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Rococo Variations (1877)
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Symphony no. 6 (1893)
Frank Ticheli, Amazing Grace (1994)
Frank Ticheli, Cajun Folksongs II (1997)
Frank Ticheli, Sun Dance (1997)
Frank Ticheli, Symphony no. 2 (2004)
Frank Ticheli, Nitro (2006)
Omar Thomas, Come Sunday (2018) (Australian premiere)
Joan Tower, Fascinating Ribbons (2001) (Australian premiere)
Pavel Tschesnokoff/Houseknecht, Salvation is Created (1912)
Geirr Tveitt, Sinfonia di Soffiatori (1974)
Richard Wagner/Cailliet, Elsa’s Procession to the Cathedral (1848)
Richard Wagner, Siegfried Idyll (1869)
Eric Whitacre, October (2000)
Levi Whitworth, Mountain (2019) (Work premiere)
Natalie Williams, Pendulum (2015) (premiere recording)
John Williams, Star Wars Triology (1977)
Ralph Vaughan Williams, Rhosymedre (1920)
Ralph Vaughan Williams, English Folksong Suite (1924)
Ralph Vaughan Williams, Flourish for Wind Band (1939)
Masao Yabe, March-April-May (1993)
Chen Yi, Spring Festival (2002)